ARO Tool

The Board has identified 19 performance indicators which give focus to our mahi and are aimed at advancing the interests and achieving positive outcomes for Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau. They are intended to guide Tāmaki Makaurau policies and plans so that Māori might participate in Tāmaki Makaurau as Māori and in a way that is meaningful and constructive. The priorities are underpinned by our five values which reflect Māori aspirations and worldview.

ARO Report

Me aro ki te hā o te mana orite

Pay attention to the pursuit of equity

The Board works with the Council Group to receive data to inform the Board's ARO Evaluation Tool. The initial data sources and results show a maturing of the Council's work in improving Māori Outcomes and highlight the work of the Board in advocating for improved Māori Outcomes in Tāmaki Makaurau.

The Board's evaluation tool echoes the Issues of Significance that identifies issues that matter most to Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau.

The Board will work with Council to enable the reporting of data sources which currently have no active reporting instruments, these indicators will ensure for the active reporting of issues of significance including Māori engagement, targeted investment in Māori businesses, Māori land zoning and improved reporting of distinctive identity outcomes which ensure for the active protection and preservation of Māori design narratives in Tāmaki Makaurau.